Why do deadlifts?

Interested in deadlifts but not sure if they’re right for you? Check out these 6 benefits to incorporating deadlifts into your routine.

1. Decrease low back pain.

2. Improve leg strength.

3. Get stronger knees.

4. Increase your core strength and stability.

5. Get stronger glutes.

6. Make fewer grocery bag trips to and from the car.

Dr. Allison deadlifting

We incorporate deadlifts into sports & performance physical therapy whenever it’s appropriate. We’re one of the few locations for physical therapy in Richmond where we have access to barbells and a dedicated deadlift platform. If it’s best for you to meet your goals, you damn well bet we’ll get some deadlifts in. Live in RVA and want to incorporate deadlifts into your rehab? Fill out this form! If we’re not a good fit for you, we don’t want to waste your time, so we’ll let you know. But if we can help, you can count that we’ve got your back…your soon-to-be much stronger back.


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