Back Pain with Lifting?

Ever get set up for a lift and it feels like your back is about to “give out”? Feel ok while lifting but for days later your back is sore?

A proper warmup is vital for getting your body ready for lifting. Would you jump into a marathon without stretching first? You set yourself up for the most success with a mobility routine. My routine takes me about 3-5 minutes. Here’s a few of my favorites for back and hips:

Cat/Cow: One of my top go-to’s for flexion & extension mobility. Start on your hands and knees. As you breathe in let your ribs raise up towards the ceiling and tilt your head down. When you breathe out bring your belly button toward the floor and look up to the sky. Take your time! I aim for around 5 seconds per breath segment.

Quadruped Rock Back: Stay on hands and knees, with your knees just wider than your hips. Rock back until you’re almost sitting on your feet with your arms still out in front of you (like child’s pose). Slowly rock back and forth from the tabletop hands and knees position to child’s pose position.

Thread The Needle: Back to hands and knees tabletop. This one gets rotation. Bring one arm up to the sky as you breathe in. Turn your head up to look at your hand at the same time. Keep following your hand with your eyes. As you breathe out bring your arm underneath you and keep twisting your spine in the opposite direction as if you’re reaching for something under your bed. As always, there’s no rush, so take your time moving through these positions.

When I’m lifting I’ll do my mobility routine before and after for a solid warmup and cool down. Getting in a good warmup and cool down is just one way to help decrease back pain. Interested in other ways to help? Check out more risk factors for back pain here.

NOTE: This is a general wellness service and not intended to replace rehabilitation services. If you recently suffered an injury, please let your physical therapist know.


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