Back Pain Risk Factors with Weightlifting

There’s no way to completely avoid back pain when weightlifting, sometimes it just happens. But there’s good news! Most cases of acute back pain go away in 1-2 weeks. There are also some things you can do to decrease your chances of back injury in the first place. Here you go!

  1. Watch your lifting posture

    1. Use your legs (if that’s what the lift you’re doing calls for) & limit rounding of your back, especially as weights increase. Keep your core engaged.

  2. Be mindful when loading and unloading weights

    1. Just because you’re not going for reps doesn’t mean that you throw your lifting cues out the window. Be aware of your body positioning every time you pick up something heavy.

  3. Gradually increase weights/reps

    1. One of the biggest risk factors for injury is a significant jump in weight or duration of exercise. Know where you’re at now and make a plan to gradually increase from there. 

  4. Get help if pain isn’t going away

    1. Overall, causes of injuries can be complex. If you’re having back pain when weightlifting that isn’t going away after 1-2 weeks and want more information about your body, what’s going on, and what to do to help, reach out! We’re here for you at Formation, the most thorough physical therapy care in RVA. Just fill out the inquiry form here!

NOTE: This content is solely for informational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.


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