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When is Too Much Shoulder Mobility?

Did you know?

Your shoulder is the most mobile joint in your body.

Not so fun fact: 

If you’ve dislocated your shoulder once, you have an 80% chance of doing it again.

Good news:

Even if you’re worried about instability, there’s still safe stretches you can do. Try these 2 gentle stretching exercises!

  1. Pec stretch in supine

    • Lay on your back with a pillow or ½ foam roll along your spine. Let your arms relax out to the side (in a “T” position).

  2. Prayer stretch step out

    • Place your hands on a desk. Step backward until you feel a stretch in your shoulders or back.

Most important…if any stretch is painful, modify! If it feels like your shoulder is unstable doing these stretches, stop! If the “good stretch” feeling has gone way too far, stop! You can always make adjustments to get what you need while decreasing chances of instability.

If you avoid mobility exercises then you’ll likely get stiff, even if you have a history of instability. Want some more shoulder mobility exercises? Check out this video blog!

NOTE: This content is solely for informational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.