4 Exercises to Improve Shoulder Mobility

Welcome back! Last week we talked about the 2 muscles that improve your ability to reach overhead (upper trap and serratus anterior) and 2 muscles that make it harder if they’re tight (levator scap and pec minor). Missed it? Learn more here! This week we talk about what to do about it! Check out the video below for 2 stretching and 2 strengthening exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home. 

Want to know even more about your mobility? Sign up for a 3D Movement Health Screen here! 3D Movement Screens are available to everyone, even if you’re feeling great! It’s meant to show you how you move, and you can come back in the future to gain in-depth feedback on your progress from session to session. Interested in learning more? Check it out here!

NOTE: This content is solely for informational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.


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