4 Tips to Relieve Shoulder and Neck Pain After Working All Day

We spend so much time right in front of us. From our phones to our computers, we’re spending more time looking at screens and less time living life around us. Besides quitting work, or switching over to a “dumb phone”, here’s some things you can do to offset living while hunched forward.

  1. Strengthen your back muscles. 

    1. Start with shoulder blade squeezes. Without shrugging your shoulders up, try to pull your shoulder blades down and together. Hold for 5 seconds. Do 10-20 reps.

  2. Get up and move!

    1. Set a timer for every 30 minutes to at least stand up. Walking around is even better!

  3. Stretch your pecs.

    1. We can get really tight in our pecs having our shoulders forward all day. Offset some of that time by getting in a good pec stretch. Bring your arm directly out to your side and then bend your elbow 90 degrees. Place your forearm in a doorframe and gently lean forward until you feel a stretch in your pecs. Breathe into it.

  4. Pain just not going away? Contact us!

    1. Fill this out and we’ll get in touch right away to see if we’re a good fit to help!

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